vendredi 21 octobre 2016

New Video : (facebook) Live Collective Meditation : An Experience of No Self (21/10/2016)

This is the live video on Facebook called "Live Collective Meditation : An Experience of No Self" broadcasted on October 21st 2016, enjoy !

(facebook) Live Collective Meditation : An Experience of No Self (21/10/2016)

samedi 15 octobre 2016

New Video : Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

This is an Intervention for you to wake you up, how your busy life is making you unfulfilled.
Enjoy !

Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

This is an Intervention for you to wake you up, how your busy life is making you unfulfilled.
Enjoy !

Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

New Video : Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

This is an Intervention for you to wake you up, how your busy life is making you unfulfilled.
Enjoy !

Brain Glitches EP1 - Busy Life, The N°1 Reason You Feel Unfulfilled

jeudi 13 octobre 2016

New Video : EP0 - The Story of The Ego - "Draw my life" style

Using the "Draw My Life" style that has been so popular on YouTube, I made a video as simplistic as possible to introduce my fans to the concept of the Ego

EP0 - The Story of The Ego - "Draw my life" style

New Video : Welcome to my channel "The Grand Illusion"

An introductional video for my YouTube Channel

Welcome to my channel "The Grand Illusion"

New Video : (Facebook) Guided Live Meditation : Meeting Your Future Self (18/09/2016)

A recording of my live Facebook session  of the 18/09/2016

(Facebook) Guided Live Meditation : Meeting Your Future Self (18/09/2016)

(Drug Addiction) From the bottom of my heart.

From the bottom of my heart.

It’s been 6 months now, I've been toking it up around the clock. Every day. I've always had a way to get it. Always had some elaborate scheme for money, usually a dark scheme. I never actually worked for it, and rarely sold it. Anyways, this path has been an interesting exploration.

Exploration of a negative perception of life. I reached my personal rock bottom with weed. I used this herb to help numb myself to what I was doing the whole time: Destroying myself. Bringing others down into my mess. And I did, I destroyed myself and destroyed others. Weed didn't destroy me; hell, it did nearly nothing on it's own. I chose to focus in the ways that it made it easy to- negatively. I learned the ways of taking pleasure in a negative life.

Now what? Well now I've awakened. I realize that this is not the type of life experience that I prefer. I prefer to be genuinely positive, and not just positive about negative things. Sure, I considered just giving up and smoking weed for my whole life. There are options here on Earth to pursue that path; places where I could grow more than I could ever use, for my whole life, without any legal trouble. But is that what I want? No it isn't. I can do better than this.

If there's anything I've learned from using weed to help me be more of a piece of shit without feeling it, it's that it doesn't actually work on a permanent basis. I always thought "if I have an infinite supply of weed, nothing else really matters". Well, I attained that multiple times. Infinite supply. All I could possibly use. And guess what, it didn't change anything.

Once you've reached the bottom, nothing can make it ok. All you can do is smoke, and smoke, and smoke. More accurately, dab and dab and dab. Then when you put the bong down, you better throw back some tincture/edibles, or you'll realize seconds later that you still haven't moved from rock bottom. What is rock bottom? For me, realizing that everything is pointless. Including life.

You know those little patterns of thought you develop while high? The whole "well I could do that, but nah no point, fuck it", mindset? Well, turns out that can take hold of everything in one’s entire perception, if one decides to let it. And I did. It was funny at first. The whole "not caring" thing. It was funny until I started seeing my whole life in that light.

To conclude, it wasn't the weed that did this. It was me. I used weed to help me destroy myself emotionally. I could have used any drug, but I'm glad I chose weed. Because now I can stop. I couldn't dig myself "too deep" with weed, it wasn't even possible. Believe me, if it was, I'd know. I feel as though if I reached to something a little stronger, perhaps even alcohol, for my self-destruction, that I would not have made it out of the withdrawal from the substance without killing myself.

My new life begins. June 1, 2016. No more weed, no more dark pleasure. The time has come for true change in my life. It is time to start expressing who I really am; to move past these fears that I've been living in, succumbing to. I deserve a positive life simply because I choose that I do, and I shall pursue it in the way that I know how to. I am ready for this. I've been on my way out of "the hole" for the last three months, and now I'm finally there. The light is right in front of me, and I'm going for it.

Very few people realize the only way to quit is total abstinence, detach from it, say the final goodbye and never touch it ever again, sounds tough? ..It is ! Make sure you don't lose your guard, the danger of relapse will be always lurking.

Weed is just masking reality with numbness, you become indifferent to life and the only thing that matters is more, more and more weed. A downward never ending spiral wave that needs a giant effort to stop it. When finally you decide to quit then you come confronted head on with the critical first hours, the critical first days, the intense withdrawals-the sweaty nights, the intense dreams, the mood swings, the depression of not having a smoke ...the shits we all have been there, the place you don't want to visit again.

Good luck and lots of strength to everybody who's on the path of quitting, it's the hard, confronting and lonely road of recovering from addiction but very rewarding when you start seeing the sober days piling up on your calendar, the first day, the first week and hopefully the six months, the one year and the two years. The feeling going to bed sober, waking up sober, doing the daily chores sober, listening to music sober, Saturday night and sober, the feeling of being 24/7 awake, sober and present is hard to beat.

I just hit yesterday the 10 days mark, might sound a little but still feels as a couple of small steps, still can't sleep well and short memory still not functioning properly -guess some permanent damage there- a grim reminder weed addiction is not a joke ! Slowly life's becoming more extrovert and more social but still need a lot of work to reconnect with the outside world after all these days of isolation smoking alone in my house, it takes time...

Because I also don't drink, now I see how difficult it is to live drug free in a world where drug use is encouraged and socially accepted, almost everybody needs some drug to loosen up, this shows the spiritual poverty of our societies where drugs are used to fill up emptiness.

Must say-thanks to Drugs-Forums, since I couldn't find much support from any institution or people in my place-reading the stories of the handful of people there who've cold-turkeyed gave me a lot of support and strength in my total abstinence effort, I tried quitting numerous times before, unfortunately without success but I'm determined this time I won't make the same “just one puff” mistake. "Once an addict, always an addict", that's why we need to be extra vigilant not to succumb to the tricks of the mind that we have it under control so we can have a smoke.

By the way ! There is never a "danger" of a "relapse" when one is aligned with their decision. One will never "beat" addiction by being hyper vigilant of it. That is the same concept of fighting fire with fire, or trying to scare yourself out of being afraid. It doesn't work. It's not in line with human psychology.

Addiction is something to come into an acceptance of. Realizing why you chose the path to begin with is very important in this acceptance; because typically, "addicts" view their behavior as self destructive. We forget that we were initially just wanting to feel good, or feel relief. After I realized my primary intention with all of my addictive behavior was comfort - I started to ask myself if there might be a more efficient way to achieve that.

Surely enough, I explored meditation and psychology and learned much about how the mind works and how I can work with it. It was a long (maybe not so long in comparison to others) back and forth of exploration between weed and meditation. Which achieved the most comfort most efficiently?

Eventually, I crossed the consciousness/awareness threshold where meditation is most certainly “more pleasurable”. The decision was a no-brainer at that point. I'd honestly never recommend anyone to give up any addiction if they truly feel as though they are leaving something positive behind. Instead to ask themselves what is really positive about it? Is it the drug, or the feeling? We all deserve to feel good, and feel relief when we want to.

I have simply applied my consciousness and made a decision that's in my best interest. Although, I've explored so thoroughly, that that consciousness is not fleeting. I hold a steady, unshakable if I wish, awareness, that what I am choosing is the most pleasurable choice for me. I feel no relapse lurking over me, like I used to, towards the end of my exploration when I "wanted to just be done."

Love yourselves, my friends. Love yourselves out of your addictions, don't hate yourselves out of them !!!

It's time to close this chapter and move on.

This is my story. This is closure for me, for this chapter of my life.

Goodbye MJ,
Thank you for everything.

What is neurosis? 40 Signs of neurotic people.

What is neurosis?
40 Signs of neurotic people.

I am going to explain literally what neurosis is, but I thought it would be better to lay around the different signs of neurotic individuals so it would be easier to recognize. Here they are:
1 – Anxiety: Always worrying about outcomes, worst-case scenarios.
2 – Obsessive thoughts: Always thinking, talking to yourself even at the shower or in bed.
3 – Compulsive behavior: Even a simple one like biting your fingernails.
4 – Vague physical ailments: Such as chronic fatigue syndrome, insomnia, fibromyalgia.
5 – Depression: Feeling sad, getting tightness in your chest, losing taste
6 – Suicidal thoughts: Not actually taking action, but just "thinking" about "relief by death"
7 – Anger
8 – Rage
9 – Social maladjustment: Like shyness or reclusion
10 – A history of dysfunctional relationships
11 – Inability to work: For whatever excuse that stops you from making a pay check
12 – Money problems: Whether with overspending or in the contrary being stingy
13 – Addictions of all kinds: Maybe to food or coffee
14 – Perfectionism: That's the true textbook definition of neuroticism
15 – Workaholism: Which is work addiction and overworking to the extent of neglecting the rest
16 – Stress
17 – Lying: If you're a chronic and habitual liar
18 – Restlessness: If you can't sit still and are always agitated
19 – Over-eating
20 – Paranoia, and phobias of all kinds
21 – Being easily offended and defensive
22 – Constant criticism and blaming of other people: Especially close people like family or a partner, this is also a textbook definition of neuroticism
23 – Preaching and moralizing: Telling people how to live their lives especially family or a partner too, this is also another textbook definition of neuroticism
24 – Arguing and stubbornness: Getting into heated arguments
25 – Narcissism, self-praising
26 – Neediness and co-dependency in relationships: Like "needing love/compliments/approval"
27 – Jealousy and envy
28 – Guilt
29 – Shame
30 – Keeping secrets
31 – Manipulation: Especially manipulating people, especially those close to you
32 – Having enemies, people you hate
33 – Playing victim: You can't do things because you have excuses, circumstances
34 – A stiff and rigid body: Inflexibility of your body
35 – Sexual dysfunctions of all kinds: Or even just repression or non-comfort with sexuality
36 – Being vindictive: Vengeance, return the wrong back to people
37 – Being nihilistic: Saying "all of this is pointless" or even better "we're all gonna die"
38 – Gossiping
39 – Having no sense of humor: Taking life too seriously
40 – Worrying about your physical appearance
Ring some bells ? That's right, you ARE neurotic ! A neurotic individual is in constant struggle between what he "is" and what he "should be"... Sounds familiar ? Neurosis is exactly the "fear of life", the fear of the world "as it is", and demanding that life be "other than what it is". That's right, this is the exact definition of neurosis.
Now let's talk about the cure. How to avoid being neurotic ? The first good thing to know is: What is the opposite of Neurosis ? It's "peace of mind", being happy with exactly "what is"… And how you do that ? That's simple, read the list again and take note of the behaviors you are exerting, and then be more conscious in your everyday life and force yourself to stop doing them, and replace them with their opposites… Good luck !
If you like this article, then stay tuned. I will be publishing more articles in the future about the same subject, which is the counter-intuitive things that we never do, that are the true solution !

M.K. Ibn Hadj Kacem
Thursday March 31st 2016

Time Travel Trivia

Time Travel
By M.K Ibn Hadj Kacem


I - Introduction
1 - Concept
2 - Back to the past
3 - Forward to the future
II - Risks
1 - Disrupting the space-time continuum
2 - The butterfly Effect
3 - Positional Errors
III - Paradoxes
1 - Backward travel - The grandfather paradox
2 - Forward travel - The twin paradox
IV - Not-so paradoxical ?
1 - Novikov self-consistency principle
2 - Parallel universes - Worldlines
V - Experiments conducted
2 - The experiment of Lijun Wang
VI - John Titor - the “self-proclaimed” time traveler

I - Introduction
1 - Concept
  The concept of time travel is the movement between two points in time as if it was movement in space, most of the time, time travel is always considered with its narrow meaning from science fiction movies, that’s why it seems to get a lot of support from philosophy and pop culture whilst little to none from physics. To understand the broader more interesting meaning of time travel, we need to split the concept into two categories…

2 - Back to the past
  The first category is the most controversial, since time is known to never move backwards, so that makes it the most interesting too, it’s been first started (of course) by popular culture such as fiction novels and continued on until reaching the ears of scientists, so they considered its study, although reluctantly…
  Many theories exist about the possibility of time travel back in time, it is theoretically possible by one of these methods :
  • Faster-than-light travel (FTL) : According to relativity, special relativity to be precise, if a signal or object A travels towards B faster than light then B will receive it before it was sent. Although this doesn’t imply human travel, since it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate a slower-than-light object to ONLY the speed of light. But it would be interesting to send data to the past (see the tachyon quantum field theory).
  • Cosmic strings and black holes : A simplistic version of this theory is the following : To fire two infinitely long cosmic strings past each other (or just one string past a black hole) at very high speeds, then move around them in a carefully calculated figure eight. In theory, you would be able to emerge anywhere, anytime! [These are purely theoretical objects that might possibly be left over from the creation of the universe in the Big Bang(which is also a theory). A black hole contains a one-dimensional singularity – an infinitely small point in the space-time continuum. A cosmic string would be a two-dimensional infinitely thin line that has even stranger effects on the fabric of space and time. Although no one has actually found a cosmic string, astronomers have suggested that they may explain strange effects seen in distant galaxies]
  • Wormholes : Wormholes are a hypothetical warped spacetime stated by the field equations of general relativity, (another) simplistic explanation is : It’s just a bending of space-time, so you can think of it as a shortcut to move yourself to a different space at the same time or, what we need here, a different time in the same space.
  Those theories have been heavily discussed, the first one for example can only be used for data transmission and for very short periods of time, but can be useful for example in resolving NP problems in polynomial time (see David Deutsch work). The second one is purely theoretical, cosmic strings and black holes have to be observed first. As of the third one, there is the condition that it must be a Lorentzian traversable wormhole, and you cannot travel to a time prior to the one in which the wormhole has been created.

3 - Forward to the future
  This kind of time travel is also theoretically but is has actually been demonstrated at very small time scales. But in traveling to the future, we have to distinguish two processes, one is the instant transfer from one point in time to another future point, and the other is to simply accelerate time to experience future sooner than it should happen, since the second one is only a matter of perspective (or referential as far as relativity is concerned) it is considered the most probable and real of all time travel concepts.
  • Wormhole future travel : It’s the same principle of wormholes explained in backward time travel, and since travel to the past can be made only back to the time of the creation of the wormhole at maximum, then it would be more interesting to travel the other way around, with the supposition that the wormhole is still maintained until that time.
  • Velocity-based time dilation : Time dilation is very famous, from Albert Einstein's special and general theories of relativity, it states (another simplistic explanation) that the more velocity an object gains, the more time passes slowly from his perspective, and by consequence, the world moves faster and he’s fast forwarding to the future. Since results are only perceivable nearing the speed of light (with actual time stopping if the object speed is C) the current record being about 20 milliseconds for the cosmonaut Sergei Avdeyev.
  • Gravitational time dilation : Under the theory of general relativity, for instance : Residing inside of a hollow, high-mass object or residing just outside of the event horizon of a black hole, or sufficiently near an object whose mass or density causes the gravitational time dilation near it to be larger than the time dilation factor on Earth. These conditions can generate slower time experience for the object in question. It has the same effect as velocity-based time dilation although it hasn’t been practically observed.

II - Risks
1 - Disrupting the space-time continuum
  << [...]Space-time does not evolve, it simply exists. When we examine a particular object from the standpoint of its space-time representation, every particle is located along its world-line. This is a spaghetti-like line that stretches from the past to the future showing the spatial location of the particle at every instant in time. This world-line exists as a complete object which may be sliced here and there so that you can see where the particle is located in space at a particular instant. Once you determine the complete world line of a particle from the forces acting upon it, you have 'solved' for its complete history[...] >> The previous assumption is called the space-time continuum, and according to relativity it is the basis of ‘existence’, since an event already happened, we are sure that it is part of its world-line, if we go back in time and change it, we shift it from its own world-line, and thus shifting the whole space-time continuum, although the consequences are unknown, a lot of theorists think that ‘existence’ itself could be compromised.

2 - The butterfly Effect
  << [...]one flap of a butterfly's wings would be enough to alter the course of the weather forever, generating cyclones and typhoons as it progresses[...] >> The principle of the butterfly effect has originated from Chaos Theory, and its equivalent time travel is the fact that a simple tiny change in a far away past, could generate disastrous differences in the present, for example, considering someone just crashed a corn bean, that one, after a hundred years could have given birth to millions of corn cubs but didn’t, causing famine or shortages.

3 - Positional Errors
  An error almost all science fiction movies commit, which is not taking into consideration of the motions in the universe, considering the time machine travels in time but stays stationary in space, this looks convenient, however the earth's rotation around itself and around the sun hasn’t been taken into consideration, thus there’s a big possibility the time traveler will find himself in empty silent space. Aside from that, supposing the machine travels both spatially and temporally with some advanced calculations, this still doesn’t guarantee that a person, animal or even a tree wasn’t at that place at that time… Thus making time travel for humans a seriously dangerous process.

III - Paradoxes
   Along with time travel enthusiasts we find time travel haters, and they’re doing a great job, the aim of announcing a paradox is to use the absurd reasoning process : If a time travel situation leads to a paradox, then time travel is impossible in itself.
1 - Backward travel - The grandfather paradox
   This is a simple idea, consider an individual named John, who travels back in time when his grandfather Adolf was 7 years old, and then kills him, this will lead to John’s father not being born, meaning John himself will not exist, and by consequence there will exist no one who will travel in time and kill Adolf the grandfather in the first place. And this, my friends, is one hell of paradox ! Making backward time travel impossible.

2 - Forward travel - The twin paradox
   The twin paradox is a direct application of relativity, not a simplistic explanation this time, since we all know Einstein’s twin travel story for time dilation, so we consider again two identical twins, on traveling at high speed into space and the other is stationary at earth. Each twin from his referential sees the other twin as in motion, thus speeding and experiencing slower time. Making both of them forward  time travelers which is paradoxical.
   This paradox however is flawed, because its an incorrect and naive application of time dilation, in order for two perceptions to be symmetrical, both space-time paths need to be symmetrical too.

IV - Not-so paradoxical ?
1 - Novikov self-consistency principle
   The principle asserts that if an event exists that would give rise to a paradox, or to any "change" to the past whatsoever, then the probability of that event is zero. It would thus be impossible to create time paradoxes. And the universe would favorize the most improbable event just to avoid that situation.
    If we apply this principle to the grandfather paradox, all the events would be possible for John aside from the killing, he would either mistake his grandfather with another person or just not deliver a fatal blow...

2 - Parallel universes - Worldlines
   The Multiverse is a theory in which our universe is not the only one, but many universes exist parallel to each other. These distinct universes within the multiverse theory are called parallel universes. This theory is expanded even more to the Superverse, which is a collection of parallel universes in which every outcome of every decision made has its own universe where it exists. So every object have his own worldline and thus changing the past won’t affect the future, it will just move perceived reality into the universe where that worldline exists. So in the case of John, he will just disappear (in the time machine) from his initial worldline in which he’s born to the worldline in which he won’t be born, preserving the equilibrium of “one worldline with John and another without” he can also go back without disrupting anything but noticing that nothing has changed in his “universe”.

V - Experiments conducted
   This experiment has been aggressively refuted, but no one can firmly conclude due to the experimental impossibility for the time being, to put this experiment in a simple way, a photon has both a wave and a particle behaviour, and this depends on the observation, in other words when we want to observe the photon as wave, it “chooses” to behave like a wave, and similarly as particle. The aim of this experiment is to use two entangled photons and observe them as particles, and then switch to observe them as waves at the last minute, and knowing that a photon can never be a particle and a wave at the same time, the experiment proved that switching time doesn’t matter, raising the theory that the photon is “capable of knowing the future”.

2 - The experiment of Lijun Wang
   The procedure of this experiment was to send packages of waves through a bulb of caesium gas in such a way that the package appeared to exit the bulb 62 nanoseconds before its entry. So the wave package seemed to have moved faster than light, or even backward in time. Of course this has been refuted too, by the fact that the wave package warps, but none of the waves in the sum do so.

   This is more an experiment to try faster-than-light movement rather than time travel itself, scientists have conducted an experiment in which microwave photons traveled "instantaneously" between a pair of prisms that had been moved up to 0.91 m apart, using a phenomenon known as quantum tunneling. And I already stated that faster than light movement allows going backward in time.

VI - John Titor - the “self-proclaimed” time traveler
   John Titor is a name used on bulletin boards from 2000 to 2001 by a poster claiming to be a time traveler from 2036. John Titor stopped posting in 2001. For five months he had patiently answered questions about time travel and what the world is like in 2036. With his final post, he announced that he was to travel in time again. A cryptic warning remains his last message. << [...]Bring a gas can with you when the car dies on the side of the road.Farewell.John[...]>> . Every day on the internet, people create identities for themselves. But John Titor seemed different. For hours every day he would respond to complex questions about time travel, about the future, and about his own life. When asked to share details of what was to happen in the immediate future, Titor refused, saying that it was either dangerous or he did not know. His responses angered some of the skeptics. Instead of leaving the site, Titor began to post more frequently, and with proof such as pictures and diagrams.

M.K Ibn Hadj Kacem